Video of the Week: 'Best Thing I Never Had' - Beyonce

This is the second release from Beyonce's fourth album success '4'. This song strikes a contrast with 'Run the World', a female empowerment anthem with sassy dance moves and string colours in the music video.

This video is more calm and sweetly shot fitting the softer sounding track and Beyonce's natural beauty shines through once again as she plays the part of a bride. Check it:

josh hamilton

Josh Hamilton has not passed enough? This is what threw my husband said this morning as we have learned to the player the ball to the fan last night, and the fan fell from the stands to hit the ball, and the death of the impact on the earth's surface. The young man left his son, the fan in the stands. The Josh Hamilton, Lord, through a lot. He is no stranger to struggle, his life story is the kind of films that make it out. No man is more sensitive for this to happen. Why? People ask, of course, the segments implicitly through the air toward you.
I could have stopped this, yes, but you do not, and we are not able to explain why your hand is in one place, but not elsewhere in these specific ways we ask.
But one thing we know is your hand there. The cradle of your hand your son as he fell. It's the birthplace of the son of the fan as he watched my father fall. It is the cradle of Josh when he learned of the fan has died. Now, watch. Will bring out the good of this great tragedy. Will be the force that captures all the participants to respond, to access, to use to heal. The death of a fan of Yemen, and sadness will bless the boy, and this has allowed you by putting on the shoulder and Josh and bless.

Tragedy of the hollow void within us. When you are filling this void by you, and power, grace, and is a powerful gift. Oh, Lord, be quick to fill the vacuum in the cavity by this family of fans, in his Son, that those who watch television, and Josh. Thank you for the areas surrounding them with your presence.
You may have a rest in the very air they breathe.

Best Tattoos For Men On Arm

Tattoos for men on arm is only difference with sailor designs then and now is that you can have these symbols look 3-D. But the classic male ruggedness is still there. Tribal designs are also popular as arm tattoos. These ink arts look mysterious but at the same time the monotonous use of black ink make them look amazingly sleek. The best tribal designs to draw inspiration from are from the Maori and the Samoa tribes.

Best Tattoos For Men On Arm

Tattoos for men on arm is only difference with sailor designs then and now is that you can have these symbols look 3-D. But the classic male ruggedness is still there. Tribal designs are also popular as arm tattoos. These ink arts look mysterious but at the same time the monotonous use of black ink make them look amazingly sleek. The best tribal designs to draw inspiration from are from the Maori and the Samoa tribes.

Tattoos For Men On Arm

 A back arm tattoos for men were restricted to bikers and rock stars but now almost all the cool people seem to have them. The art has become so popular mostly for the fact that it is almost indestructible and also because you need to endure painful needle pricks to get it. The combination of indestructibility and pain is irresistible for men and every year the number of men getting a tattoo seems to be rising. What design you have on your arm is what matters the most. Intricate arm tattoos for guys can really make a few heads turn, and get you some attention from the ladies.

Tattoos For Men On Arm

 A back arm tattoos for men were restricted to bikers and rock stars but now almost all the cool people seem to have them. The art has become so popular mostly for the fact that it is almost indestructible and also because you need to endure painful needle pricks to get it. The combination of indestructibility and pain is irresistible for men and every year the number of men getting a tattoo seems to be rising. What design you have on your arm is what matters the most. Intricate arm tattoos for guys can really make a few heads turn, and get you some attention from the ladies.