Mentawai Kembali di Guncang Gempa

Berita hari ini datang dari kepulauan Mentawai, dimana kepulauan yang terletak di Sumatera Barat ini kembali diguncang gempa. Gempa terjadi pada pukul 10 pagi tadi dan diperkirakan kekuatan gempa mencapai 5,4 Skala Richter. Seperti memang menjadi langganan gempa, Mentawai gempa ini sangat mengkhawatirkan. Seperti apakah gempa di Mentawai?

Ilustrasi Gempa
Setelah pada tahun 2010 lalu, tepatnya pada tanggal 25 Oktober 2011 Mentawai di guncang gempa dengan 7,2 SR. Kali ini kepulauan yang terletak 45 km barat laut Pagai Utara ini kembali di guncang gempa dengan kekuatan gempa yang lumayan besar, yaiut 5,4 SR. 

Menurut situs Badan Meteorologi, Klimatologi, dna Geofisika menyebutkan bahwa pusat gempa berada di 2.59 Lintang Selatan dan 99.67 Bujur Timur di kedalaman 29 kilometer dari permukaan laut. Walaupun tidak berpotensi untuk tsunami, tapi warga di himbau untuk tetap waspada jika ada gelombang tinggi ataupun gempa yang besar.

Warga yang berada di sekitar pantai sudah dilakukan pengungsian, tetapi gempa susulan membuat panik warga yang berada di pengungsian. Gempa susulan terjadi pada kedalaman 10 km dan berkekuatan 5,6 SR.

Jessica Gomes

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Kate Upton

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Here we go again: Crazy driving killing again a kid in a very cruel way !

Who knows China & ever been travelling in cities by car or even better on highways or roads knows it:
Chinese driving skills / knowledge are below 0 for 90% of all the drivers. Crazy speeding, crazy lane changing, no distance keeping, aggressive driving in general: THE ROAD IS MINE - DO NOT GET INTO MY WAY !
Penalty system is weak - non - existing, traffic police can be easily bribed - result almost 80,000 dead only by traffic accidents each year - figures rising. So whenever you have to think about traveling in China - if you can take a train - better take a train - dont rely on the crazy drivers.
Here another sad story happened a few days ago -this one is from the shanghaiist
In wake of Yueyue's passing, another child-death tragedy strikes in Sichuan
Luzhou Evening News brings us a report from October 20 that in Luding County, Sichuan Province, Luzhou City, a truck knocked down a five-year-old child returning home from school, causing the child to die on the spot. Luzhou citizens have claimed the accident was actually cold-blooded murder.
The victim, five year old Xiong Maoke, was still in kindergarten. His mother recounted the horror of what happened, eyes red with tears. After school, 11 am, Xiong Maoke and several children left to go home whereupon they were involved in what appeared to be a simple accident.
Zhang Shifen witnessed the accident. "I saw the truck coming, the children were walking by the side of the road, not in the street." Zhang Shifen recalls the truck didn't hit Xiong Maoke directly, but rather cuffed his ear. "He fell, but after being knocked over, immediately stood up again and bent over to pick up his umbrella. "
The next scene left Zhang speechless, "I saw the truck move back a little and then move forward again, Xiong Maoke became wrapped up in the wheel, and then the truck continued forward another 10 meters." Zhang Shifen said she was standing behind the truck, and clearly saw a child under the wheels had been badly mutilated. She shouted at the driver, "What are you doing? Will you stop!" The driver stopped, got out, swore, and turned away.
He then asked, "How much should I pay?"
The driver, Ao Yong, 35, denies he stopped the truck the first time Xiong Maoke was hit. He refuses to talk about his behavior after the accident, but maintains, "I will compensate them (the family members) however much they want."
Police are investigating the incident and are working with the driver and villagers to ascertain what transpired and whether or not it was an accident or something more sinister.
For witnesses and friends of Xiong Maoke's family, this "accident" was a deliberate child murder as brutal and heartless as the death of Yueyue that gripped the nation and the world earlier this week.
In the Yueyue case, the driver who ran her over was infamously quoted as saying "If she is dead, I may pay only about 20,000 yuan ($3,125). But if she is injured, it may cost me hundreds of thousands yuan."

Making Chrome even more app-ealing

From sharing photos, to collaborating on documents, to enjoying online games, web apps make the web fun, useful and entertaining. Since the beginning, Chrome has been designed to allow apps to do more, faster. Today, changes in Chrome make it even easier to access your favorite apps and discover new favorites.

In the latest stable release of Chrome, we’ve completely redesigned the New Tab page. It’s more streamlined, so it’s easier to access and organize your apps in different sections on the page. Watch the video below for a quick tour.

To add more apps to your New Tab page, click the Chrome Web Store icon. The Web Store also has a new look:

Apps and extensions are now presented in a wall of images that’s updated every time you visit the store. We hope this will help you quickly scan the store and find interesting things to try out. In addition, apps and extensions are easier to install—just hover over an image on the grid and click “Add to Chrome.”

Getting additional information about an app or an extension is just a click away. When you click on an app, extension or theme, you’ll see a panel featuring screenshots, videos and other relevant information neatly organized into separate tabs. The store also includes a brand new reviews interface that links to the Google+ profile of each reviewer. (To protect your privacy, we made sure to anonymize any reviews that you previously submitted.)

Along with the new look, a bunch of new apps have joined the store. I’m personally excited about My Robot Nation™, an app that lets you design your own robot and bring it to life with a 3D printer. There are plenty of new games to play, including The Godfather: Five Families and Fieldrunners. And for those of you still looking for a Halloween costume, check out the brand-new eBay shopping app.

We have many more features on deck, and we’re looking forward to making the app experience in Chrome even better soon.

(Cross-posted from the Chrome Blog)

Karena Tiga Kali Salah Perdiksi Kiamat, Seorang Peramal Pensiun

Berita Aneh dan Unik kembali dari negara paman sam Amerika tepatnya di California, Amerika Serikat. Seorang kakek yang berprofesi sebagai peramal berusaha untuk meramal kapan tanggal kiamat akan terjadi. Seperti apakah berita Karena Tiga Kali Salah Perdiksi Kiamat, Seorang Peramal Pensiun?

Seorang kakek yang memiliki hobi meramal dan siaran radio, bernama Harold Camping selalu meramalkan kapan kiamat itu akan terjadi. Dari stasiun radio pribadi miliknya yang bernama Family Radio, dia memprediksi bahwa pada tanggal 21 Oktober 2011, bumi akan mengalami kiamat. Tetapi ternyta prediksi dari kakek ini  meleset dari dugaannya bahwa pada tanggal tersebut kiamat. 

Ramalan meleset itu ternyata bukan pertama kalinya dia lakukan, ini adalah kali ketiganya Harold salah dalam memprediksi berita tentang kiamat, setelah sebelumnya yaitu pada tahun 1994, Harold juga meramalkan bahwa akan terjadi kiamat, dan juga pada tanggal 21 Mei 2011. 

Banyak pihak menganggap Harold terlalu berlebihan terkait ramalan tentang kiamat dan banyak orang juga menganggap stroke Harold pada tahun 2011 saat dia mempersiapkan khotbah soal datangnya hari kiamat, membuatnya mendapatkan azab dari Tuhan. Dia sempat dirawat di rumah sakit sampai pada akhirnya sembuh dari strokenya pada september lalu.

Seperti dilaporkan Christian Post, Senin, 24 Oktober 2011, sang istri, Shirley Camping, membenarkan suaminya itu sekarang sudah pensiun dari pekerjaan memperkirakan kiamat. Dalam film dokumenter yang dibuat empat hari menjelang ramalannya itu, pendeta dari aliran Kristen Evangelis ini menyatakan ia tidak lagi memimpin Family Radio.

Tidak ada yang bisa memperkirakan kapan kiamat akan datang karena sesungguhnya kiamat adalah rahasia Tuhan.

More data, more transparency around government requests

How do governments affect access to information on the Internet? To help shed some light on that very question, last year we launched an online, interactive Transparency Report. All too often, policy that affects how information flows on the Internet is created in the absence of empirical data. But by showing traffic patterns and disruptions to our services, and by sharing how many government requests for content removal and user data we receive from around the world, we hope to offer up some metrics to contribute to a public conversation about the laws that influence how people communicate online.

Today we’re updating the Government Requests tool with numbers for requests that we received from January to June 2011. For the first time, we’re not only disclosing the number of requests for user data, but we’re showing the number of users or accounts that are specified in those requests too. We also recently released the raw data behind the requests. Interested developers and researchers can now take this data and revisualize it in different ways, or mash it up with information from other organizations to test and draw up new hypotheses about government behaviors online.

We believe that providing this level of detail highlights the need to modernize laws like the Electronic Communications Privacy Act, which regulates government access to user information and was written 25 years ago—long before the average person had ever heard of email. Yet at the end of the day, the information that we’re disclosing offers only a limited snapshot. We hope others join us in the effort to provide more transparency, so we’ll be better able to see the bigger picture of how regulatory environments affect the entire web.

Ini Dia Sekolah yang Muridnya ke Toilet Dua Bulan Sekali

Berita Aneh dan Unik ini berasal dari salah satu SMA di Chicago, tepatnya adalah di SMA Evergreen Amerika Serikat. Jadi disekolah ini para siswa harus bersiap-siap untuk menahan buang air kecil maupun besar kalau mereka sedang belajar didalam kelas. Bagaimanakah berita siswa yang ke toilet 2 bulan sekali?

Kejadian ini dikarenakan kepala sekolah mereka yaitu Bill Sanderson, mengeluarkan peraturan terkait kebijakan untuk keluar ke kamar mandi saat jam pelajaran. Peraturan tersebut hanya memperbolehkan pelajar untuk keluar ke kamar mandi 3 kali dalam satu semester, yang artinya hanya 3 kali per 2 bulan.

Sanderson menganggap jam pelajaran sangat bernilai, karena selama ini banyak siswa yang memanfaatkan waktu keluar kamar mandi jika ada pelajaran yang mereka tidak sukai. Itulah makanya peraturan ini dibuat. Selain berita unik dunia, ternyata orang tua dari masing-masing siswa merasa sangat marah karena peraturan ini. Mereka mengkhawatirkan kesehatan anak-anaknya, jika tidak diperbolehkan untuk buang air kecil maupun besar dalam satu waktu.

SMA Evergreen Amerika Serikat

Inilah pernyataan salah satu siswa terkait peraturan yang dibuat oleh kepala sekolah mereka. “Biar saja kepala sekolah itu mencret atau terkan penyakit apa pun. Ia hanya membolehkan murid-murid ke toilet tiga kali tiap semester. Lihat saja, bagaimana ia merasakan akibat dari kebijakannya,”

Umbrella Girl Hot

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Ada Tattoo Diatas Gunung

Ngoc Thrinc, Miss Vietnam 2010 with Ferrari